6 city-based teams play each other over 3 rounds leading to play-offs in January 2023 with total prize money pool in excess of Rs. 50 lakhs The big moment for Indian basketball is here. Basketball Federation of India (BFI) today announced INBL 5x5 which will see city-based teams representing Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, in action, over 3 rounds before heading to play-offs in January 2023. On offer for the teams and individuals is a prize money pool in excess of Rs. 50 lakhs. A delighted Dr. K Govindaraj, MLC President, BFI and Vice-president, Indian Olympic Association (IOA), said, “This day should be marked in golden letters in the history of Indian basketball. We are launching what has been the dream for millions of basketball fans in India. The format which is focused on local teams playing against each other in cities that are relatively more active hubs of basketball in India will ensure hundreds of talents are assessed on the ground for being f...